Last update: Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:35 AM.
10/1: Obama addresses the Senate |
10/2: Example of HD image produced by WinTV |
10/2: US Capitol |
10/2: Last night's simple debate AV setup |
10/4: Rumsfeld, Nixon & Kissinger |
10/5: Abraham Lincoln |
10/7: Gecko |
10/8: Autumy colors |
10/10: Bush Talks as Dow Dives |
10/10: Farmer statue |
10/11: Cactus |
10/12: Autumn colors |
10/12: Scene from 60 Minutes |
10/13: Bake sale for Obama!!! |
10/13: "No parking for cars with more than 3 bumper stickers" |
10/16: McCain campaign manager Rick Davis |
10/17: Guy with Obama sign obscures McCain and Little Joe |
10/17: MSI Unboxing #8 |
10/17: MSI Unboxing #7 |
10/17: MSI Unboxing #6 |
10/17: MSI Unboxing #5 |
10/17: New Wii bowling record |
10/17: New MSI Wind arrives! |
10/19: Powell endorsing Obama |
10/20: Obama campaigning in Florida |
10/20: Schematic of my LAN (portion) |
10/21: Were American women waiting for 232 years for Sarah Palin? |
10/23: Big Ten map (astounding results) |
10/23: Bake sale for Obama |
10/23: No Engine Idling |
10/23: Heather's famous pigeon chaser |
10/25: Eee PC 1000H |
10/27: Microsoft's Bob Muglia talks clouds at the PDC |
10/27: Freaky rainy World Series game in Philadelphia |
10/28: I voted for Obama! |
10/30: Rudy Giuliani is my favorite bonehead Republico! |
10/31: Nixon in front of JFK portrait |
10/31: McCain campaigning in Ohio with Rudy Giuliani looking on sourly! :-) |