Last update: Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 12:53 PM.


Apple store Palo Alto
3/1: Apple store Palo Alto
Hillary in a box
3/1: Hillary in a box
Barack Obama live on C-SPAN from Ohio
3/1: Barack Obama live on C-SPAN from Ohio
Screen shot of Pownce mag with Flickr pic
3/1: Screen shot of Pownce mag with Flickr pic
Wolfson and David Axelrod (Obama strategist)
3/2: Wolfson and David Axelrod (Obama strategist)
Howard Wolfson on This Week/ABC News
3/2: Howard Wolfson on This Week/ABC News
Test pic, should go to Twitter *and* Pownce (knock wood)
3/4: Test pic, should go to Twitter *and* Pownce (knock wood)
New Twittergram UI for uploading to Pownce
3/4: New Twittergram UI for uploading to Pownce
Obama on CNN tonight
3/4: Obama on CNN tonight
The Bay of the Bay Area
3/5: The Bay of the Bay Area
3/6: Raines "Hammock" Cohen
The email conversation Obama had in my inbox this morning
3/6: The email conversation Obama had in my inbox this morning
One of the many paths in the Berkeley hills
3/7: One of the many paths in the Berkeley hills
When in Paris visit the Eiffel Tower, in Silicon Valley...
3/8: When in Paris visit the Eiffel Tower, in Silicon Valley...
Notes from the interview with Trippi
3/9: Notes from the interview with Trippi
Calif springtime continues
3/9: Calif springtime continues
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal & Steffen Tiedemann Christensen visit from Copenhagen
3/10: Thomas Madsen-Mygdal & Steffen Tiedemann Christensen visit from Copenhagen
El Paseo Path
3/10: El Paseo Path
Notes for Kawasaki interview
3/10: Notes for Kawasaki interview
Stainless Steel Magic
3/11: Stainless Steel Magic
3/13: Hope
Ice cream
3/13: Ice cream
3/15: Tree
Kickin back
3/16: Kickin back
Blooms, blooms & blooms
3/16: Blooms, blooms & blooms
Obama, delivering the race speech
3/18: Obama, delivering the race speech
City blossoms
3/18: City blossoms
3/18: Marguerita
Elegant restaurant
3/18: Elegant restaurant
Downtown Berkeley anti-war demo
3/19: Downtown Berkeley anti-war demo
Perfect purple
3/20: Perfect purple
Eventually the flowers will move to the east coast
3/21: Eventually the flowers will move to the east coast
Test pic, please ignore
3/23: Test pic, please ignore
Test pic 2
3/23: Test pic 2
Test pic 4
3/23: Test pic 4
Staircase viewed from above
3/23: Staircase viewed from above
Test pic 3
3/23: Test pic 3
Hard-working journalist
3/24: Hard-working journalist
Street scene
3/24: Street scene
New Twitter prefs page in FlickrFan (screen shot)
3/24: New Twitter prefs page in FlickrFan (screen shot)
Azalea in bloom
3/24: Azalea in bloom
View out the kitchen window
3/25: View out the kitchen window
Stocked supermarket
3/25: Stocked supermarket
Cleaning products
3/25: Cleaning products
Press briefing at Mozilla
3/26: Press briefing at Mozilla
Asa Dotzler of Mozilla (famous blogger)
3/26: Asa Dotzler of Mozilla (famous blogger)
Kim Polese and Marc Canter at a random blogging conference in California
3/27: Kim Polese and Marc Canter at a random blogging conference in California
Test pic please ignore thx
3/29: Test pic please ignore thx
Th'origin'l Hick'ry Pit
3/29: Th'origin'l Hick'ry Pit
3/29: Pigs
Magestic magenta
3/29: Magestic magenta
3/30: proofThatTheEndIsNear.gif
3/30: Rock
3/30: Lilacs
The ultimate -- TechMeme sees doom and gloom when it looks in the mirror!
3/30: The ultimate -- TechMeme sees doom and gloom when it looks in the mirror!
3/31: bsg.jpg
3/31: White